Dr. Sley was born in Buea, a city located atthe foot of Buea Mountain found in the Republic Of Cameroon. Inregard to family birth order, he was the fifth child of a Christian family of seven children. After his primary education in Government School Bonduma Bokoko, Dr. Sley joined a prestigious acapella group known as the Angelic Brothers at the age of 18years. They were very famous as they performed in all neighboring schools during social event and also in occasions around town. Dr. Sley also loved singing to orphanages and he carried his group along. Dr. Sley experienced how music can add meaning to deceased minds and to a community. It was forthat reason Dr. Sley decided that he wanted to become a great artist.As he started working very hard toward his vision, his family became the wind that was blowing on his back unlike other African parents. Astime wore on, the first recording studio was built in his town, M1Studio. He managed to record some demo tracks and became popular asthe next solo artist to become every house whole name. He performed in many places and his family gave him the full support for him torealize his dream. His father paid the money for him to complete therecording of his first album 2006 which was never released. He later formed a music group called Da M Thugs, which became so popular in the English part of Cameroon. Da M Thugs released an album called Street Revolution produced by Street Thugs Studio.
Dr Sley, who died at the age of 2 years and wake up from dead after many hours, knew there is something special about him having a second life. So he started searching for the truth about life. He travel to Nigeria and lived as a street child just to know what it feels to be without shelter, without food, without water. Lagos was a perfectplace for him but he found love. Was been cared for and that gave hima unique inspiration. Came back to his home town after 2 years in Lagos and the songs he recorded and messages in the songs where strange and his friends and fans gave him the title Doctor so KingSley became Dr. Sley.
He has inspired so many other Cameroonians and people around the world Dr. Sley has released hit singles like "Victim of love", "Teach Me How To Love", “Ghetto Queen”, "Down by the river side". Dr. Sley has won many awards and recognitions home and abroad. Best male artist and best Video at Cameroon Urban Music Award Cameroon, 2011, Best Male and Best Reggae Artist Cameroon Entertainment Award USA, 2012, HighestVoted Video at FAIRPLAY 2012 Anti-Corruption Music Competition Organized by JMI and sponsored by World Bank, Best Activist Anthem atHonesty OSCAR Award 2014, Board of director at Dreams Made Real INC,USA.